
Rights to Child Custody in Georgia as a Divorcing Father

child custody in Georgia

Divorce is a serious matter because many lives are attached to this one process. Among all people, kids are affected the most in this process. Child custody in Georgia or anywhere else can become a complicated matter. Both parents wish to keep their children for themselves, but it’s not possible. One side needs to let go for the sake of children. It’s necessary to give custody to the parent who is more attached to the child. In most cases, mothers tend to win child custody, but that doesn’t mean the father is incompetent.

Fathers have an equal right to their children and should not be deprived of joint custody. There are so many instances where fathers have proven to be a better option than the mother. If you are a father who wishes for their child’s custody or wants visitation rights, you need to contact a good lawyer. You can get help if you take the correct steps.

Currently, Georgia has the highest divorce rate amongst all other cities. According to statistics, 14.11 people for every 1000 married individuals go for divorce each year. These people have families, children, and friends who also suffer due to the couple’s actions. After all, it’s not only related to two people but rather involves the entire family. Right after the divorce comes the issue of child custody. Therefore, parents should either decide for themselves or let the judge make a decision. Whatever the outcome might be, the kids must not suffer.

What Are a Father’s Rights to Child Custody in Georgia?

Just like the mother, the father also has certain rights. The judge looks at multiple factors before concluding. No one will blindly trust the mother or the father. Each side will be analyzed to see which parent should get the child’s custody. Judges try to reach a conclusion that is favorable to both sides. Being the father, you have the following rights:

  • Right to Have an Emotional Connection with Your Children:

If you are close to your child, then the court will take into account this mutual affection. Moreover, it will favor your case and show you in a good light.

  • Right to Earn:

No court in any place will stop you from earning more money for your child’s stable life. Fathers often feel earning more money might affect their relationship with their children. However, that is not the case. Even the members of the court are well aware of how important financial security is for the child. Upon that, if you are also paying child support, you need extra money.

  • Right to Present Yourself as an Emotionally and Financially Stable Person:

Proving to the court that you are emotionally and financially fit in all ways helps you to earn your child’s custody rights.

  • Right to Keep Children Who Wish to Stay with You:

Some kids pick their father’s over their mothers. For this reason, the court asks the child’s views as well. If the child opts to live with their father, they are not sent to the mother.

  • Right to Protect Children:

If you believe that your ex-partner is a threat to your child’s safety, then you can put forward your concern in court. Just like fathers, mothers can be guilty as well. Courts will support the father if they can prove their ex-partners abuse.

Improving Your Chances to Gain Custody:

When it comes to winning a case of child custody in Georgia, certain things can improve your chance. Fathers who wholeheartedly want their children to live with them can follow some tips to gain an advantage over their opponents. For this, fathers need to:

  • Have a stronger relationship with the child
  • Be more vigilant and attentive towards their kids
  • Make your child comfortable around you and your home
  • Teach them to respect everyone, including their mothers

These simple steps can bring your child closer to you, and that helps your case.

Hiring a Competent Divorce Attorney for Support:

The most important factor in any case of child custody in Georgia is to hire an experienced lawyer. A legal team helps you to streamline your entire case process. At our firm, you will find seasoned attorneys who have processed dozens of similar cases. They will support you till the very end and make sure that you win your custody case without an issue in your uncontested divorce. We wish to bring you and your child happiness. Set an appointment with our team today. Discuss your case details and let our lawyers make the best legal decisions for you.

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